Mohadoha nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. How cool is that?
To accept, I state seven random facts about myself and tag fifteen other bloggers. A great way to get to know more about me and for you to meet other bloggers I’m a big fan of.
Here goes:
1. I was once a contestant on "It's Academic", which is a quiz show for schools. My team won through two rounds, but we lost the final, darn it!
2. Even though reading has always been my passion, when I was at school, English was my worst subject!
3. I've lived in 3 different states of Australia
4. I'm completely in love with the movie "Moonstruck"
5. When I was pregnant I had a craving for sauerkraut. (Ew...)
6. I can't roll my tongue (apparently it's genetic LOL)
7. But I can do the "Live long and prosper" Vulcan sign!
And the fifteen bloggers I'm nominating:
Paula Roe Keziah Hill Shannon Curtis Word Trix Karen Rose Smith Krystal Shannon Taryn Raye Heaven O'Shea Hesperia Loves Books Tina Glasneck Patricia Zick Kate Kelly Janna Shay Juliet Madison Victoria Adams
So what 7 things don't we know about you? Don't forget to check out everyone else's blogs!